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About the report

Sixth Interzero Sustainability Report in accordance with the Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Published every other year, our sustainability reporting provides full details of our performance in terms of social and ecological aspects. The report is a clearly structured presentation of our sustainability performance including the GRI Content Index. It is complemented by our Sustainability Magazine, which offers insights into concrete customer projects, while showing how sustainability is being enhanced within Interzero.

GRI 1 - Foundations

GRI 1 - Foundations 2021

Interzero publishes its Sustainability Report in a clearly structured format including the GRI content index. This report is made available to any interested stakeholder via the domain

GRI 2 - General Disclosures

GRI 2-2 – Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting

In 2022, the Group was reorganised as a result of newly acquired shares in companies and equity investments. Interzero is currently creating the foundation for including the sites added in 2022 in the collection of environmental, financial and HR data. The quantitative environmental, financial and human resources (HR) disclosures in this report do not include Interzero Plastics Recycling (IPR).1

All of the business units associated with Interzero Holding GmbH & Co. KG in Germany and abroad have been consolidated.

Overview of all companies consolidated in this Sustainability Report:

  • Abfallverwertung Leipzig GmbH (AVL) (Leipzig, 70 percent)
  • ALBA Recycling GmbH
  • Brandenburgische Boden Gesellschaft für Grundstücksverwaltung und -verwertung mbH
  • CARElean GmbH (Cologne, Germany)
  • Container Dienst Zundel GmbH (Barsinghausen, Germany)
  • INTERSEROH Czech a. (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Interseroh+ GmbH (Cologne, Germany)
  • Interzero Advisory Sp. z.o.o. (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Interzero Business Solutions GmbH (Cologne, Germany)
  • Interzero Circular Solutions Europe GmbH (Vienna, Austria)
  • Interzero Circular Solutions Germany GmbH (Cologne, Germany)
  • Interzero Circular Solutions GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
  • Interzero Circular Solutions Subholding GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
  • Interzero Deposit Solutions GmbH (Cologne, Germany)
  • Interzero društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za gospodarenje otpadom (Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Interzero Europe GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
  • Interzero Europe Holding GmbH
  • Interzero GmbH & Co. KG
  • Interzero Italy S.r.l. (Milan, Italy, 80 percent)
  • Interzero Organizacja Odzysku Elektrycznego i Elektronicznego S. A. (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Interzero Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań S.A. (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Interzero Pak d.o.o. (Beograd, Serbia)
  • Interzero Plastics Innovations, inovacije in raziskave d.o.o. (laboratory in Maribor, Slovenia)
  • Interzero Plastics Processing GmbH (Liebenau, Germany)
  • Interzero Plastics Recycling GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
  • Interzero Polska Sp. o.o.o (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Interzero Pooling Cycle GmbH (Cologne, Germany)
  • Interzero Product Cycle GmbH (Melle Bruchmühlen, Germany)
  • Interzero Re-Life GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
  • Interzero Repasack GmbH (Wiesbaden, Germany)
  • Interzero s.r.o. (Bratislava, Slovakia, joint venture 88.7 percent)
  • Interzero Solutions d.o.o. (Beograd, Serbia)
  • Interzero Trajnostne rešitve za svet brez odpadkov d.o.o. (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Interzero Ventures GmbH
  • profitara austria gmbh (Vienna, Austria)
  • Projektgesellschaft Nauen GmbH
  • RDB plastics GmbH (Aukrug, Germany)
  • Relenda GmbH (Magdeburg, Germany)2

1 The following four entities were subsidiaries of IPR as of 31 December 2022: Container Dienst Zundel GmbH, Interzero Plastics Processing GmbH, Interzero Plastics Recycling GmbH, RDB plastics GmbH.

2 The activities of Relenda GmbH were discontinued as of 31 December 2020.

3 The joint venture SIMPLi RETURN GmbH was dissolved in financial year 2021. However, the SIMPLi RETURN brand will be retained and incorporated into the service portfolio of Interzero Circular Solutions Germany GmbH.

GRI 2-3 – Reporting period, frequency and contact person

Unless otherwise stated, the report and the key figures it presents relate to financial years 2021 and 2022.

Interzero’s 2022 Sustainability Report is the sixth such report, in which the company offers a systematic summary of its social and ecological business performance according to the international standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The report is published every two years.

Interzero supplements this report with its annual Sustainability Magazine. Entitled “All In.”, this year’s magazine offers insights into the development process for a range of customer projects, while showing how sustainability is being enhanced within the company.

Questions about the Sustainability Report or general enquiries about sustainability at Interzero should be directed to sustainability management:

Sybilla Merian
Sustainability Manager
Stollwerckstraße 9a
51149 Cologne

Alexander Dziwisch
Project Manager
Stollwerckstraße 9a
51149 Cologne

GRI 2-4 – Restatements of information

Where facts had to be adjusted compared with earlier reports, this has been indicated at the point in question.

GRI 2-5 – External assurance

This report has not been externally assured.

Strategy and management

Sustainability becomes the core of our corporate strategy

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Circular economy

Closing loops and protecting the planet

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Environment and climate

Reducing gas consumption by 11.9% in 2022

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Value chain

Interzero coordinates around 1,900 external service providers in Germany alone.

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Employees and society

We invest in training and developing our employees and are committed to diversity and equal opportunity.

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Our company

Learn more about our Circular Solutions and Plastics Recycling.

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Going ALL-IN together

Our customers work on exciting and innovative projects – and we are supporting their efforts.