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Value chain

Interzero coordinates around 1,900 external service providers in Germany alone.

Interzero takes responsibility, which means that we want to embed sustainability throughout the entire value creation process. We make sure to choose businesses that are socially and ecologically responsible when contracting suppliers to provide customers with indirect services in relation to waste management or logistics orders.

GRI 301: Materials

GRI 301: 3-3 – Materials: Management of material topics

The Earth’s resources are limited. If we are to sustain the long-term future of the economy and society, we must therefore use these limited resources as efficiently as possible. Interzero makes a key contribution to achieving this goal by providing sustainable circular solutions and innovative plastics recycling services. As an environmental services provider, the company also feels duty-bound to lead by example by configuring its own processes to be as efficient and resource-friendly as possible.

Interzero itself consumes comparatively few raw materials, as its core business is in the service sector. Material consumption is generally confined to detergents, which are mostly used in washing depots, and the printer paper used by administrative sites. As digitalisation proceeds, the specific demand for paper is set to fall further. It is the company's aim to reduce its use of raw materials continually.

GRI 301-1 - Materials used by weight or volume

Considerable quantities of materials are generated primarily through the use of printer paper and cleaning agents. The quantities consumed of both material groups are strongly influenced by business development.

Printer paper is used mainly by our administrative sites, which consumed 13,338 kilograms in 2022. Paper consumption was down significantly on the previous year (14,572) and shows a clear trend towards further reduction in consumption following the sharp decline in 2020 due to the pandemic. To further reduce consumption, Interzero is raising employee awareness about techniques for saving paper while continuously expanding its electronic billing system.

Detergents are primarily used at non-administrative sites. Detergent usage is greatest in the depots operated by Interzero Pooling Cycle GmbH as part of the washing process for returnable transport packaging. Total detergent use at all sites amounted to 155,368 litres in 2022, an increase of 24 percent compared with the prior-year figure of 125,217 litres. This increase was due to a higher number of machine cleanings and refills of the washing systems triggered mainly by longer downtimes.

GRI 301-2 - Recycled input materials used

With its recycling systems, Interzero enables the resources used by its customers to be fed back into closed material cycles after use. In providing this service, the use of raw materials is therefore limited primarily to printer paper and cleaning agents. Since January 2019, Interzero has met its paper requirements at most of its sites with recycled paper. For the new sites added in 2022, recycled paper will be introduced as soon as possible.

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment

GRI 308: 3-3 – Supplier Environmental Assessment: Management of material topics

Interzero coordinates around 1,900 external service providers and suppliers in Germany alone. Ensuring sustainability is comprehensively observed along the entire value chain is therefore a complex challenge. Interzero faces up to this challenge and is careful to choose businesses that are socially and ecologically responsible when contracting suppliers to provide customers with indirect services in relation to waste management or logistics orders.

To this end, Interzero has developed a Supplier Code of Conduct that also forms part of contract negotiations and regular audits at Interzero. In addition to complying with laws and upholding labour rights, the signatory suppliers also commit to observing fundamental environmental and sustainability standards. Since 2014, suppliers have also been required to answer a sustainability questionnaire, whose results are also considered during the contract award process.

Interzero uses a portal to coordinate quality management at supplier level: The service portal (DLP) includes all relevant information on volume statistics and orders (transport orders). Interzero hires only companies that are certified in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance on Waste Management Companies (EfBV).

GRI 308-2 - Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

Avoiding negative environmental impacts by suppliers is important to Interzero. New suppliers of Interzero Circular Solutions Germany GmbH must therefore complete a prescribed screening process that is designed to confirm that they are capable of meeting Interzero’s minimum requirements.

Interzero audits the most important of its approximately 1,900 suppliers and service providers once a year on a random basis. We ask them about their processes and their ecological and social criteria, and inquire about sustainability topics such as energy consumption and the separation of waste. Interzero conducted 40 of these audits in 2021. In 2022, 52 – exclusively digital – audits were held. Sustainability also influences how we award contracts. Before placing orders with potential service providers, they are asked to complete a questionnaire that includes questions about environmental criteria. If there is no difference in the prices quoted, the service provider with the best environmental credentials is awarded the contract.

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment

GRI 414: 3-3 – Supplier Social Assessment: Management of material topics

Interzero coordinates around 1,900 external service providers and suppliers in Germany alone. Ensuring sustainability is comprehensively observed along the entire value chain is therefore a complex challenge. Interzero faces up to this challenge and is careful to choose businesses that are socially and ecologically responsible when contracting suppliers to provide customers with indirect services in relation to waste management or logistics orders.

To this end, Interzero has developed a Supplier Code of Conduct that also forms part of contract negotiations and regular audits at Interzero. In the Code, the signatory suppliers commit themselves to complying with minimum environmental and social standards – including the prohibition of child and forced labour, a ban on discrimination, the payment of living wages, and the guarantee of occupational safety.

Since 2014, suppliers have also been required to answer a sustainability questionnaire, whose results are also considered during the contract award process. Interzero uses a portal to coordinate quality management at supplier level: The service portal (DLP) includes all relevant information on volume statistics and orders (transport orders). Interzero hires only companies that are certified in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance on Waste Management Companies (EfBV).

GRI 414-2 - Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

Interzero applies stringent labour practices criteria to supplier selection. New suppliers must therefore pass a screening process to prove that they meet Interzero’s minimum requirements for suppliers. Human rights are not covered by the audits, as most of our suppliers are based in Germany and threats to human rights are not to be expected.

Interzero visits the most important of its approximately 1,900 suppliers and service providers usually once a year. We ask them about their processes and their ecological and social criteria, such as compliance with minimum wage regulations. Questions on sustainability issues account for about a quarter of the overall rating. Interzero conducted around 100 of these audits in 2021 and 2022.

Strategy and management

Sustainability becomes the core of our corporate strategy

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Circular economy

Closing loops and protecting the planet

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Environment and climate

Reducing gas consumption by 11.9% in 2022

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Employees and society

We invest in training and developing our employees and are committed to diversity and equal opportunity.

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About the report

Sustainability Report in accordance with the Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

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Our company

Learn more about our Circular Solutions and Plastics Recycling.

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Shape the circular economy of the future with success.